Saturday, October 14, 2017

Donald Trump Will Be a Success

Donald Trump will go down as a fine president.

American must, as he said, remove power from Washington and give it to the people. The most important measures: reduce tax rates and cut regulations.

Setting up an international gold standard is also essential. This will solve many of the trade problems Mr. Trump objects to. Tariffs are terrible.

The Civil Service Code should be amended, enabling federal bureaucrats to be fired.

It took several hundred years for Protestants and Catholics to stop killing each other. Let the Muslims fight it out with each other and with others in their own lands, not ours. They will probably calm down in a few decades. Until then, Muslims should not be admitted to America.

The U.S. military needs rebuilding. And our infrastructure needs work. Where will the money come from? From lower tax rates, reduction of regulations, and a gold standard: These will make the economy soar.

Best of all, the poor will benefit even more than the rich.

Published by the Union Leader on February 9, 2017.