Saturday, October 14, 2017

Mass Murder: Partly Enabled by Liberalism

During the 2012 election, the Obama campaign launched a cartoon ad called “The Life of Julia,” showing the life of a fictional woman from ages 3 to 67. Julia had a child, but the ad made no mention of the child’s father, of Julia’s family or her church. Her life was defined by interactions with government programs that supposedly take care of people from cradle to grave.

Liberals support this vision of society, which they combine with grievance about victimhood. Except for prosperous white Protestant males, everyone is supposedly a victim of something.

Victims are told there’s no use taking responsibility for your own life. You can’t win. Leave it to government to make things right.

Many people believe these unfulfillable promises, especially in big cities and on the East and West coasts. In colleges, grievance is taught big time.

For the mentally unstable, victimhood and grievance have special appeal. For a few people, feelings of hopelessness and revenge induce them to commit mass murder.

As liberalism has advanced, mass murder has become more common. Gun control won’t help. Removing liberals from office probably would.

Sent to newspapers on October 12, 2017.