Saturday, October 14, 2017

Elections are Cheap

People are too concerned about the cost of elections.

The Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks money and lobbying in elections, says the 2016 election cost $6.9 billion. Call it $7 billion.

The National Income is $17 trillion.

$7 billion is only 4 hundredths of one percent (.04%) of the national income. A tiny fraction of one percent of the national income to choose the nation’s leaders without bloodshed? That’s peanuts! How fortunate we are that elections cost so little!

Presidential-election money is spent only every four years. How long does it take for the federal government to spend $7 billion?

Let’s see. The estimated federal spending for the fiscal year 2016 was $3.854 trillion.

A 365-day year contains 8,760 hours.

$3,854 trillion divided by 8,760 hours means that the government spends almost $440 million an hour.

At $440 million an hour, the government spends $7 billion in about 16 hours. Now that’s something worth worrying about.

Parts of this column were sent to newspapers on November 27, 2016.