Saturday, October 14, 2017

Tariffs on Steel: A Terrible Idea

President Trump is considering a tariff on foreign steel imports. A tariff is a tax, and it’s a bad idea. It’ll cause U.S. unemployment to rise and U.S. income to fall. Here’s why:

The U.S. steel industry has 140 thousand workers. U.S. companies that use steel have about six million workers – more than forty times more.

With a tariff imposed, the price of steel will rise, making the prices of products that use steel rise as well. The increases will lower the demand for these products, causing some of the six million workers to be laid off.

The income lost by the laid-off employees of companies that use steel will outweigh the income gained by the employees of companies that make steel.

Not only that, companies that are protected by tariffs generally stop innovating, preventing future prices from falling.

Tariffs cause more harm than good.

Sent to newspapers July 19, 2017.