Saturday, February 3, 2018

Free College Education

From 1987 to 2010, the average net tuition for higher education, adjusted for inflation, rose by 107 percent. The main reason: The government subsidized and guaranteed student loans. This increased the demand for colleges, which in turn raised tuitions, making college less available to the poor.
Colleges hired armies of administrators and built elaborate student centers with gorgeous swimming pools. But teaching turned into socialist indoctrination. Professors held America responsible for many of the world’s problems, which is a stretch. Racial issues were overplayed. Black studies and women’s studies induced students to consider themselves victims. Students forcibly prevented speakers from expressing opinions they didn’t like and were not expelled. As to students learning to become responsible, productive citizens, not so much.
Bernie Sanders now wants government to pay for all college education, increasing the demand and raising costs even more. Government officials would call the shots, making the mess all the worse.
Enough. Let’s close the Department of Education, drop education subsidies, put more courses on line, and cut tuitions.
More apprentice programs would enable young people not suited for college to learn a job and start earning money right off.
We need more schools operating for profit. Profits, not government, provide the incentive for better results and lower costs.