Monday, June 21, 2021

Crime Will (Probably) Taper Off

    June 21, 2021. The current rash of crime probably won’t last.

From 1960 to the 1980s, the increase in crime was indeed long-lasting. The baby boomers reached their crime-prone years. The criminal justice system was weak, and crack cocaine entered the scene.

Now, seniors, who are the least likely to break the law, are the fastest-growing segment of the American population, promising a reduction of crime.

Liberal policies are increasing crime. They’re allowing rioting to go unchecked. They’re treating criminals as victims and the police as criminals. They’re letting people who have repeatedly committed violence out on bail prior to their trial dates. They’re allowing thousands of immigrants, including criminals, to surge across America’s borders.

These damaging policies are likely to be reversed when conservatives return to power, probably in 2022 and certainly in 2024.

There’s another crime issue not easily solved. Children learn how to handle stress only if they have a full-time parent, especially the mothers, during the first three years of their lives. Too many moms can’t wait to plop their kids, even those under one, in day-care centers and return to work. Too many dads have left their families. The result: a decline in mental health and an increase in crime.

People would be more likely to deal with these issues if government became smaller and less intrusive. Government would be more helpful if it stopped trying to be so helpful.