Thursday, May 17, 2018

Presidential Priorities

    After reading my letter lauding President Trump’s policies, a friend wrote: “I disapprove of Trump. He’s a terrible role model for young people. Would you want your daughter to become involved with this shell of a man?”

Of course not. But America’s presidents, with the possible exception of a rapist, have been reasonably good people who feared the press. All the while, the government generally enabled bureaucrats and the rich to do well, but left the rest of us behind.

We now have in office a boor and a narcissist who is not just unafraid of the press, he delights in taunting it. He’s making the economy come alive, however, leaving the rich unharmed but benefiting the rest of us, especially blacks. He’s also starting to knock back the bureaucracy. (Completing that job will take decades.)

You can have your presidents of good character. I'll take good policies.

Another friend told me, “I disliked Trump’s reversal of President Obama’s environmental regulations.”

Those regulations would have had no effect on world temperature, but they did slow down the economy. President Obama used environmental issue to disguise his main goals: to curtail capitalism and launch European-style socialism.

Liberty and limited government are the essential ingredients that have made America exceptional. Mr. Obama considered America unexceptional and, in fact, immoral. He wanted liberty reduced and government’s powers much increased. Barack Obama is a very nice gentleman whose presidential goals and policies were un-American and unconstitutional in the extreme.