Monday, July 15, 2019

Second-Term Goals for President Trump

    Here are winning goals for Mr. Trump’s second term: 
Revamp the scope, seniority, and unionization of the federal bureaucracy.

Improve the permit process to speed up infrastructure work.  

Cut individual income-tax rates. (The deficit was increased because of additional spending, not the 2017 rate cut.)

Index capital gains for inflation.

Repeal the thousands of laws and regulations that can land citizens in jail without their even knowing they’d committed a crime.

Promote former House Speaker Paul Ryan’s idea of making block grants to the states to cover food stamps and other anti-poverty measures, enabling the states to innovate and get people to work.

Promote the elimination of state and local rules that block the construction of housing.   

Encourage the repeal of civil-asset forfeitures to police departments. 

Encourage school choice and technical schools.

Present a list of potential Supreme Court nominees who, in accordance with the Constitution, would interpret laws but not make laws from the bench.

Push for term limits on U.S. legislators.

Close the wretched Federal Reserve Bank and set up gold backing for the dollar. 

Promulgating these goals would help Mr. Trump win a second-term victory.