Monday, November 18, 2019

The National Debt Cannot Grow Forever

    The national debt cannot accumulate indefinitely. Eventually, the whatchamacallit hits the fan.
People who limit their consumption don’t accumulate debt. Americans have not limited their consumption, but they certainly have accumulated debt. The national debt is already 28 percent higher than the entire year’s gross domestic production.
Current Americans blithely expect future Americans to limit their consumption to repay it – a sweet dream that won’t come true. Future Americans won’t bear the brunt of other peoples’ profligacy? They will reject higher taxes to cover the debt.
If the debt continues to grow faster than the economy, the federal government would eventually go bankrupt. We would join the crowd of six nations whose runaway inflation since 1945 has made their savings worthless. Social Security and Medicare payments would stop. Banks and insurance companies would go under. Widespread bankruptcy would prevail, and consumption would fall sharply. It would be a miserable time, and Jews might well get the blame.
Is there a happier scenario?
Yes. To pay the debt, the U.S. government should auction to private interests the enormous amount of land it owns but does not use. It should coordinate with other nations to sell to private interests the world’s oceans and polar caps. To keep debt from rebuilding, the Civil Service should be terminated and American government reduced by 90 percent.
By nature, government wants to grow. When government is also the teacher, most students acquiesce. Therefore, government should neither educate nor fund the education of anyone.