September 20, 2020. A lengthy open letter about the pandemic, signed so far by 394 Belgian medical doctors, 1,340 medically-trained health professionals, and 8,897 citizens, was recently sent to Belgium authorities,. Here are some of the highlights:
The more social and emotional commitments people have, the more resistant they are to viruses. But lockdowns and quarantines reduced social and economic commitments.
Physical activity improves physical health, energy levels, and quality of life and also reduces depression and anxiety. But isolation reduced physical activity.
Social distancing has increased fear, persistent stress, and loneliness and thus cuts general and psychological health.
The vast majority of deceased patients has been 80 years old or older. Most of the deceased who were younger had underlying disorders, including obesity.
Statistics have not taken into account that death by corona is different from death with corona.
Over 98 percent of those infected by the corona hardly became ill. Mortality rates have been close to those of normal seasonal flu.
For those showing severe corona symptoms, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), zinc, and azithromycin (AZT) have been effective, affordable, and safe.
Transmission of the virus occurs by aerosols or by coughing and sneezing in closed, unventilated rooms. The virus does not transmit between people who have tested positive but are asymptomatic. In the open air, contamination is impossible.
There is no scientific proof that transmission occurs via money or other objects.
Oral masks are appropriate for hospitals, retirement homes, and at-risk groups. But for healthy individuals, they are unnecessary. Oral masks create oxygen deficiencies, with effects similar to altitude sickness. The accumulation of CO2 inside masks can cause toxic acidification, which reduces immunity. A mask creates an environment that is poorly ventilated.
Second corona waves have been caused by the increased number of tests. Deaths and hospitalizations have not increased.
In ten years of influenza, vaccinations have had limited effects. For those over 75 years old, the efficiency of vaccination is almost non-existent.
The waves of infection in countries with strict lockdowns are similar to those without. Lockdowns have not reduced mortality rates.
Social isolation and economic damage have increased depression, anxiety, suicides, intra-family violence, and child abuse. Emergency corona policies have been extremely damaging and are medically unjustified, like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Normal democratic governance and all civil liberties should immediately be restored.