In the 2020 election, Democrats suffered heavy losses throughout America.
President Trump had a landslide victory and lost only because of cheating. Without the corruption, Michigan Republican John James would have replaced a Democrat in the U.S. Senate.
The corruption was widespread. Haven’t you heard Rudi Giuliani and Sidney Powell explain in some detail how the Presidency was stolen? They didn’t seem to me to be lying – no way.
State legislatures must be held accountable to repair election laws and practices. They certainly should trash those corruptible Dominion voting machines.
Speaker Pelosi expected to gain 10 to 12 seats in the House. She lost nine instead.
Hundreds of millions of dollars were paid by Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, and others to help Democrats control state legislatures. The people voted Republican anyway, gaining 192 members of state houses and 40 members of state senates.
In 23 states, Republicans now control both legislative bodies and the governorship (called “trifectas”). Democrat trifectas prevail in 15 states, divided governments in only 12.
It was a blue wave, but only if you’re color blind.