Monday, October 22, 2018

Bloodless Revolution

Friend Barbara is disgusted with the current political conflicts.

Who can blame you, Barbara?

Unfortunately, many liberal-activist crowds of recent years have been paid by George Soros and other wealthy liberals. Publicly-available IRS information reveals that Ana Maria Archila, who cornered Senator Flake in a Senate elevator, was paid over $175,000 as co-executive director of the Center for Popular Democracy, one of numerous Soros-funded organizations. 

Most major television networks want their viewers to be liberal. They usually omit bad news about Democrats and omit good news about Republicans. After showing Dr. Christine Ford accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual abuse, for example, the networks did not reveal her inability to remember numerous details about the event.

The networks have shown plenty of bad news about President Trump, but they’ve made light of his reversal of government regulations that kept employment and the economy down.

Government is the only part of society that’s permitted to use force. Used to excess, force foments force, and conflict eventually permeates society.

Over a century, the federal government grew in size and power in an effort to impose the public’s well-being by force. By 2010, many Americans realized that society is not improved by widespread government coercion.

From 2010 on, about twelve hundred Democrats at all levels have been voted out of office. The reduction of government will continue and will narrow the gap between rich and poor. I am immensely proud of America for undergoing this vital revolution with little or no bloodshed.