total income of that sector, however, has soared. Counting food stamps, Medicaid,
children’s health insurance, the refunded portion of earned-income tax credits,
and over 85 other means-tested federal and state benefits, the poverty rate of
the lowest income level would be 3 percent, not 15 percent. The rate would fall
even further if transfers within families, non-governmental charity, and unreported
income were counted.
transfer payments have essentially eliminated American poverty. For the lowest fifth
of U.S. households, over 84 percent of their disposable income comes from government
transfer payments.
the purpose of the War on Poverty was not just to raise living standards, it was
also to make the poor self-sufficient. On this account, the effort has failed. In
2015, the lowest fifth of earned income, compared with the middle fifth, had 37
percent more families whose head was of prime working age but no one was
War on Poverty should be repealed. All charity should be left to non-governmental
agencies and private citizens. They would not only provide needed funds, they would
also induce people to work.