Monday, April 22, 2019

Pay Gaps Result from Employee Choices, not Sexism

    A recent study examined data of the train and bus operators of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA). The male employees took home more money than the women, but the difference was due to their choices, not sexism.  
The MBTA is a union shop with uniform hourly wages for men and women. All employees adhere to the same rules and enjoy the same benefits. Promotions are based purely on seniority, not performance. Men and women with the same seniority have the same options for scheduling, routes, vacation, and overtime. The rigid work rules prevent managers from giving preferential treatment to men.
At time-and-half pay, overtime had a significant effect on the earnings. The men worked 83 percent more overtime hours than the women and were twice as likely to accept an overtime shift on short notice. About twice as many women as men never worked overtime.
Under the Family Medical Leave Act, men took 48 percent fewer unpaid hours off than women. 
Women disproportionately chose to take undesirable routes if it meant working fewer nights, weekends, and holidays.
In comparison with childless workers, fathers worked more overtime and mothers took more time off.
Throughout the nation, women generally avoid high-paying jobs that are dangerous or require strength. They generally favor lower-paying fields. Mothers are more likely than fathers to choose flexibility over career advancement.
Women are said to make 80 cents for every dollar made by men. This is probably true, but it’s mostly because of personal choices, not sexism.