Be Bold, Donald!
Andy Kessler suggested in a WSJ column that President Trump highlight these policy changes:Abolish public-sector unions. The unions would squawk, but thousands of plain folks would flock to Trump’s side.
Propose unlimited charter schools everywhere. The unions would complain, but thousands of blacks, seeking better education for their children, would love it.
Raise the Social Security retirement age. Most retirees recognize the necessity.
Buy Cuba. How so, you ask: The U.S. would pay $10,000 to each of Cuba’s 11 million people. That would cost $110 billion – peanuts among today’s monumental agendas. Give each Cuban a voucher for a share of Cuba’s state-owned businesses. These would trade at increasing prices, as occurred in Eastern Europe, in anticipation of the companies being sold or going public. Eventually make Cuba a county of Florida.
Terminate crony-capitalist subsidies for oil, gas, solar, wind, ethanol, and electricity. Stop subsidizing staple commodities, like corn, which are creating widespread obesity that is weakening the American people. Abolish Davis-Bacon, to cut construction costs. Give the Jones Act the deep six, to increase shipping in U.S. waters.
Change of Subject: What percentage of Americans have died from Covid-19?
Answer: just 1/20th of one percent – fewer than the media wants us to believe. Covid-19 is not all that deadly. People under 70 in fairly good health and not obese are very unlikely to die from it. Of those infected, over 97 percent recover. Closing the economy was a grave mistake.