November 2, 2020. The activists and leaders of modern liberalism are generally unhappy. They compensate for their lack of self-assurance by presuming they are superior to others. Liberals believe it is they who are moral; the rest of America is “deplorable.” They believe that many political groups, being victims, are not self-reliant and must be taken care of by them. Markets must be rendered unfree by heavy regulation. Liberals want to restructure the entire society. The nation’s laws are whatever the liberals say they are at any one moment. The Constitution can be disregarded.
The media and social media have superior insight too. This enables them to exclude bad news about Democrats and exclude good news about Republicans.
Even after a black was twice elected president, liberals promoted “systematic racism.” Its purpose is to make people feel guilty, rendering them susceptible to liberal views. Systematic racism is nonsense. Isolated racism is more like it.
Energy affects every aspect of our lives. By highlighting global warming, liberals endeavor to control our lives in every possible way. They have no interest in technologies that would halt emissions of atmospheric CO2. Their objective is to gain political control.
Conservatives cannot discuss these matters with liberals. Liberals are unable to discuss; they can only lecture about public affairs. Conservatives cannot find common ground with a group which wants conservatives to stop saying or writing anything that makes liberals feel uncomfortable.
Federal funding of colleges and universities has enabled the development of most of these absurd notions, which are poisoning the minds of young Americans. .
Conservatives must defeat liberals over and over in elections, eventually rendering them irrelevant.