Sorry, Associated Press, the Constitution does not authorize you to certify who is president.
President Trump would have won reelection except for the cheating of vote-counting in states led by Democrats,
The cheating should be challenged in court, and Mr. Trump should dispassionately explain why this is necessary.
“Count every vote” is wrong. The correct dictum: Count every legal vote.
It may be too late. I doubt that the ballots are being held under Republican surveillance 24 hours a day. If not, ballots can readily be destroyed to make Biden the winner.
Except for the cheating, Republican candidates for the U.S. Senate, including Michigan’s John James, would have won.
If the holding of ballots has not been under 24-hour Republican surveillance and if the lawsuits do not succeed, the elections in those Democratic-run states should be undertaken again, with inauguration postponed as long as necessary. I’m not holding my breath about that.