The government of Taiwan has imposed fewer controls against Covid-19 than any nation in the world, including Sweden. Except for the month of February, the schools remained open. The government produced daily reports about the coronavirus, concentrating on actual numbers. Some travel has been restricted, but lockdowns were very limited. Generally, the Taiwanese have led normal lives.
With a population of almost 24 million, the total number of Covid-19 deaths have been…get ready for a huge number:
Seven. Not seven thousand. Just 7. All of the diseased were in their 40s to 80s and with preexisting health condition,
Taiwan’s population density is 1,739 people per square mile. The U.S. state with the highest population density, New Jersey, has 1,211 people per square mile, about 500 less. Its population is 8.9 million, about one third that of Taiwan.
Yet New Jersey, with a fairly stringent lockdown, has suffered 16,495 Covid-19 deaths.
Those lockdowns. They really helped.
Change of Subject: There follows a link to an eight-minute television appearance by Sidney Powell, the likes of which I have heard nowhere else:
by the way, is an enormous mythical sea monster said to appear off the coast of